Friday, January 21, 2011


Hi! My name is Meredith Nelson and I'm from Evanston, IL. Evanston is a city connected to Chicago and the home of the Northwestern Wildcats. My family is divided exactly in half between Wildcats and Badgers and us Badgers like to call the Wildcats the "Mildcats." I'm a junior majoring in Communication Arts on the Rhetoric/Communication Science side. I also have a certificate in Business. I am a dedicated and passionate Badger fan to the core. For fun I like to hangout with all the awesome people I've met here in Madison, read magazines, eat delicious food, play old school board games (like monopoly!) and do any kind of physical activity. I'm looking forward to this class because I'm interested in how the internet has changed interpersonal communication and the implications that internet communication has on our vastly advancing and growing corporate society.

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