Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog #5 - Jenny Englert

I have to start this post by saying how unproductive Plants vs. Zombies made me for the rest of the night. I assumed I would just play quickly for 10 minutes and get to my five page paper I had to write this evening. Three hours later my roommate was yelling at me to get my homework done. She was very jealous when I told her I was doing just that. This blog post assignment came at a perfect time. I recently got the new Ipad 2, and sat down to play Angry Birds one Sunday afternoon as a study break. I planned on only playing for 20 minutes tops. Similarly to Plants vs. Zombies, I wound up playing for much longer. Two hours in and I had already used up the free trial and beat every level.

It irritates me that after some time for both Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies you eventually have to buy the full version if you would like to keep playing. I really wanted to see what happens if you let the zombies get to your house, but I just couldn't bring myself to lose. I think games like this could be potentially dangerous if you were really addicted to online games. As it is, I had enough time finally stopping playing Plants vs. Zombies tonight.

My favorite part of the whole game definitely had to be the crazy guy that pops up in level sevenish. His comments made my whole night. Thanks for this great assignment, Liz.

1 comment:

  1. I find Angry Birds much more addictive than Plants vs. Zombies, but both are definitely great distractions. Also, Dan the crazy guy, creeped me out, while you seemed to enjoy him, to each her own!

    I didn't know that eventually you have to pay for Angry Birds, I'm not looking forward to that!
