Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog #4 - Jeff More

My name is Jeffrey More. No, google, I did not mean to search for Jeffrey Moore. I am not Attorney Jeffrey More Burns. I am glad that someone named Viki loves someone named Jeffrey more and more every day. I am sure that Jeffrey Goldberg had a very interesting interview with Castro, who apparently said "No one has been slandered more than the Jews." I am not interested in the Traverse City Comedy Arts Festival, featuring Bob Saget, Jeffrey Ross, and more. I am rather surprised, however, to discover the presence of a one Jeffrey Most, who probably thinks he's better than me. Oh, and I really could have gone the rest of my life without discovering who Jeffrey Dahmer was.

Needless to say, I didn't find much about myself on Google. Even when I entered my full name, only four pages of hits show up. Only one of those was accurate - my name slipped into a list of the something-thousand students of my high school graduating class.

I haven't tried searching for myself in quite some time because every time I have a look the results always come up the same. I have to say I sort of appreciate the anonymity built into my name. It's not that I have a phobia of being in the public or anything. I make most of my facebook profile available to anyone in my networks, because those are people who might have a legitimate reason to search for me. Other than that, I'm an internet ninja - you can only find me if I let you. And that's totally awesome.

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